Thursday, June 30, 2016

Mental Reboot

I’ve spent quite a few weeks living in Hawaii this summer.  I do a fair amount of walking as it is my main mode of transportation here, and I like to get out and explore.  There is a certain spot in the park that for some reason has become my favorite place to sit – and when I say sit, I mean think, reflect, imagine, and other mind-wandering verbs.  This spot isn’t the most beautiful spot on the island, isn’t the most remote or serene, but something about it prompts me to sit there for many minutes.  It is a special place because Bill and I have spent some great time there together watching sunsets and listening to crashing waves. Don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely gorgeous and I’m extremely thankful for my time there, but what is it about that spot? Or is it that spot? 

When I was sitting out there yesterday, a strange thing occurred…there I was sitting in the “spot” relaxing and closing my eyes. What did I see when I closed my eyes and let my mind’s eye take over? My own back yard. Yep, here I am on one of the most beautiful places to visit and I’m picturing good ol’ Newhall.  It got me thinking. (Yes, I know, that crazy mind of mine working overtime again.)

So many people want to, and need to get away sometimes. We seem to reboot when we go somewhere beautiful or take a vacation from the day-to-day routine of our lives. Sometimes we need to walk away from the tiny fists that scramble and pound around in our heads, jacking up our thoughts and keeping us away from peaceful and nourishing thinking.

Not everybody has the opportunity to physically get away and get that needed reboot. We do all have the chance to mentally get away and use our mind’s eye to help us. Where is it that our minds take us? Is it a real place, an imaginary place, a place in a different time? I’m feeling pretty good these days. I have worked hard to be in a place of peace, of presence, and of thankfulness. I’m in this wonderful location, but that doesn’t mean that everything is perfect here. I’m still doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking (ha!), missing my kids, paying bills, dealing with crowds, worrying about fires at home, etc.

I guess yesterday, my mind needed me to see my yard. It is the place that brings me peace. I love my yard. It is beautiful, yes, and I spend a lot of time back there working to make it beautiful. I think what it is that makes it so special is that it is my home, my roots, my memories with my parents, my husband, my kids, and has been for over 50 years.

Have I lost you all yet?  Oh my gosh, I’m rambling and am so all over the place right now that I feel like a pile of confetti that just got picked up by a giant wind! Hmmmm….O.K.  So, I think what I’m trying to get at is this – your mind’s eye can take you anywhere if you let it. Where do you want it to take you? Somewhere you were in the past? A beautiful beach? Sitting in a ray of sun? It’s all up for grabs. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and go to that place. You can do it. Go to that special spot and spend some time there. You can see it. You really can. You can hear the sounds and smell the smells. On my trip into my back yard yesterday, I heard my wind chimes and the crazy crows; I could smell the jasmine near my bedroom and the gardenia near the den door. I saw the ripples in my pool and my new succulents.  I could feel the feeling I get as I walk out the den door, over the warm bricks, and seeing the sun as it peaks over the tack room in the morning. It’s just my yard. Nothing exotic, but it is where I go. Where sometimes I need to go.

Take advantage of your mind’s eye. We all have the ability to experience visual mental imagery. Get away. Reboot. And don’t worry about having to pay $100 if your suitcase is overweight.