Divided-lite. Even
the name suggests an unclear view.
Sometimes old, outdated views need to be replaced, and opened up to a
clearer picture.
Windows? Yes.
Life? Yes.
Part of our three-room remodel involves replacing
60-year-old windows. The wooden, divided-lite
windows that are currently in the house look great when you drive down the old,
dirt road and glance toward the ranch-style home. They blend, they fit, and they seem to be
aesthetically pleasing. Is that
enough? Am I o.k. with inefficient, outdated
windows that restrict my view and cloud my vision? No. Sure, 60 years ago they worked. They don’t work now. 60 years ago that’s what people had, they
didn’t have many choices and they were comfortable with them. I want my vision to improve; I want my views
to be as open and beautiful as possible.
Windows? Yes. Life?
Bill replaced the first window of the remodel
yesterday. The dining room window that
looks beyond the crepe myrtle and toward to the yard, the little free library,
and an old plaster building across the street.
I love looking through that window.
I see a lot of things I love when I look out there. I’m used to it, I’ve been looking out that
window for over 50 years. A standard
double-hung wood window, divided into eight parts by wood that has been painted
over with many, many coats of paint; a screen on the outside restricting the
clarity and taking away from the vivid and beautiful colors of the yard. The
old glass is scratched, thin, and like the other windows in the house, has a
slight wave to it, which adds some distortion.
In addition to the appearance of the old windows, they aren’t
efficient. They don’t work properly
anymore. They don’t fully open, some
don’t open at all. They have been painted shut and the longer they (and we)
remain comfortable with that stubbornness, cloudy vision, and inefficiency, the
longer our beautiful visions will be blocked.
Windows? Yes. Life?
Its not always easy working on a remodel. Sometimes it’s hard to let go of things that
remind us of good times and how things used to be. Change can be difficult and
scary. Is the new better? And what do we mean by better? Is better about looks, efficiency, the new
view we will have? Will the unknown make me happy or will I long to go back to
what seemed to be comfortable even though it wasn’t the best.
A new window. A
window divided only in to two parts, and then only because it needs those to
parts to open fully and bring in lots of fresh air into the house. Double-thick glass to keep the house cool in
the summer and warm in the winter. The
new screen only covers the bottom half of the fully functioning window. Why restrict the entire view when you can
open your eyes to see more clearly?
The new window was installed with great care and precision.
It looks great, it works well, and it is one more step in what will be a long
process in remodeling. Moving forward.
That new window yesterday is not just a new window. It kind of symbolizes how I’ve been feeling
lately – wanting a clearer view, a new vision, one that will be more efficient
and open me up to more beauty that the world has to offer. Not every house can have all new
windows. Some need to work with the ones
they have. Fresh paint, maybe a little
sand paper to smooth out rough edges, and sometimes the glass needs a lot of
work to be able to see out clearly, but the view can always be improved. I want to see it, and help open it up to
others so that they may see it too. No
more divided-lites.
Windows? Yes. Life?
“Better keep yourself clean
and bright. You are the window through
which you must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw
Love your "view" Kelly and I admire your insight and self evolution. Cccccchange is Ccccchallenging and I have the most difficulty with letting go of sentimental things that represent my life, a life that has buzzed by... When Bill's done at your casa, send him our way :)) Love your blog, and so proud of you. This IS your Book!! xoxo Julie across the creek